FAQs What is Bravura’s ASX code?Collapsed Bravura’s ASX code is BVS. What is Bravura’s financial year?Collapsed Bravura’s financial year begins on 1 July and ends on 30 June. How can I obtain a copy of Bravura’s Annual Report?Collapsed You can view both current and historical annual reports online. If you wish to get a hard copy annual report, please contact our share registrar, Link Market Services Limited. Who are the auditors for Bravura?Collapsed Bravura’s auditors are Ernst & Young. How can I change my personal details, eg name, address, payment method?Collapsed It is recommended that you update your personal details online. Personal details include registered address, ABN/TFN, dividend payment instruction, dividend reinvestment election and communication election. If your holding is above A$50,000 (or A$1,000,000 if part of a portfolio view), for security purposes, you may be requested to make any changes by completing the applicable form or writing to Link Market Services at Locked Bag A14, Sydney South, NSW 1235. When are dividends paid?Collapsed The payment date of any dividends that are payable is advised at the time the dividend is declared. Dividend announcement dates, ex-dividend dates, record dates and payment dates are available on the Dividend page. How do I participate in the Dividend Reinvestment Plan (DRP)?Collapsed If you wish to participate in the Bravura DRP or update your election, please log in to your holding online or alternatively you can request a form by contacting our share registrar Link Market Services. How do I find out about Bravura’s previous dividends and Dividend Reinvestment Plan (DRP) prices?Collapsed Information about Bravura’s previous dividends and DRP prices are available on the Dividend page. Who manages Bravura’s share registry?Collapsed Our share registry functions are performed by Link Market Services. Further details about Link Market Services can be found at the registry’s website at www.linkmarketservices.com.au.